The Art of Conversation with Chris Bowers

Monday, May 11, 2015

Who embraces the stochastic nature of the UNIVERSE? 


It's early on a Monday morning, no student wants to be in the classroom after a very luxurious 2 week vacation period, yet they are all smiling and excitedly communicating with each other. Wow!

This was all thanks to Chris Bowers who came into the class to lead a workshop on engaging the unexpecting, strangers, or other travellers in meaningful, authentic conversation. 

Chris was prepared with an armful of conversation cards and questions to help us 'BREAK THE ICE' and really get to know our fellow travellers. We also had the opportunity to practice our interview skills with several different participants, including the amazing Deb Curran who co-founded Smart Growth BC and teaches Environmental Law and Sustainability at UVic.

Through these conversations we would learn to appreciate the different perspectives of the world which will enrich our experiences and give us insight into the world around us. 

We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to use the skills Chris gave us in the 'FIELD' and engage with locals to bring knowledge back to our University town. 


Below, Chris Bowers discusses authentic conversation in a Victoria TedX talk.


In the following videos, Chip and Cam talk about their expectations for our field school in an interview exercise instructed by Chris' teachings.



"Every conversation is an opportunity to learn"

         -Kathleen Arnason quoting Stranger 



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